[S1E11] Nightmares \/\/FREE\\\\
Toniiight, a friend of MacGyver's is plagued by nightmares, seeing Mac get killed in them(!), while Mac is focused on stopping a plan to hijack a missile guidance system. Will her visions come true? Will Sam's similar visions of peril come true? And what's a water clock? Find out as Sam, Mike, and Jeff discuss \"Silent World,\" (season 2, episode 9).
[S1E11] Nightmares
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Tropes All There in the Script: The guy Grumm mugs for a human disguise is named "Stevedore" by the credits.
Big "NO!": Cruger, after waking up from a nightmare involving Gruumm invading his homeworld.
Kat screams this when R.I.C. is about to strike at General Benaag.
Buffy Speak:Cruger: They're acting oddly. I wonder what it is.Kat: You are... the... "it".
Calling the Old Man Out: Kat calls out Cruger for sending the inexperienced B-Squad to fight the more powerful General Benaag, as well as leaving out the most important part of his backstory, and for the Refusal of the Call example below.Kat: You stubborn old dog! Resisting what you fear can only bring it into existence!
Can't Take Criticism: When Kat calls Cruger out for sending the inexperienced B-Squad to fight the more powerful General Benaag, as well as leaving out the most important part of his backstory, both as mentioned before, and for the Refusal of the Call example below, how he reacts? He screams at her to get out of his sight while she can.
Deadpan Snarker: Piggy points out to Grumm that all the tables are reserved. The emperor merely throws two people off a tableGrumm: There's been a cancellation.
Delayed Reaction: When Piggy finds the winning lottery ticket, he chucks it away only to then realize it and dives into the garbage to get it
Freudian Excuse: Cruger's behavior is due to recurring memories of the destruction of his homeworld.
Insult Backfire: When Piggy wins the lottery he's able to pay back his debt to Broodwing (with an extra $1000 to get his fishbowl winterized). Broodwing: You may be a millionaire, but you're still the same disgusting, filthy, wretched piece of worthless garbage to me! Piggy (earnestly): Thank you! It's nice to know money hasn't changed me. And later in the same episode:
Syd: This place is a roach-infested germ farm. Piggy: Thanks. I've done my best. Jerkass Ball: Cruger holds it in this episode, snapping at everyone for the smallest things, though this is because of the nightmares he is having as well as General Benaag's return.
Refusal of the Call: Kat gives Cruger a small box containing the Shadow Morpher, but Cruger angrily refuses it and tells Kat to get out of his sight while she can.