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Meditations: A New Translation - The Best Way to Read Marcus Aurelius's Timeless Teachings

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If you are looking for a book that can help you live a more meaningful, peaceful, and virtuous life, you might want to check out Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. This is a classic work of ancient philosophy that has been translated and reinterpreted many times over the centuries. In this article, we will explore what Meditations is, who wrote it, why it is relevant and influential today, and what is the new translation by Gregory Hays that offers a fresh and accessible perspective on this timeless wisdom.

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What is Meditations and who wrote it?

Meditations is a collection of personal notes and reflections written by Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor and philosopher who ruled from 161 to 180 CE. He wrote the book in Greek, his second language, during his military campaigns against various enemies of the empire. He did not intend the book for publication or public consumption, but rather as a way of reminding himself of his own principles and values, based on the philosophy of Stoicism.

Stoicism is a school of thought that originated in ancient Greece and was later adopted by many Romans. It teaches that the only thing we can control in life is our own thoughts, judgments, and actions, and that we should focus on them rather than on external events or circumstances that are beyond our control. It also teaches that we should live according to reason, nature, and virtue, and that we should cultivate a calm and rational mind that can withstand any adversity or challenge.

Why is Meditations relevant and influential today?

Meditations remains profoundly relevant for anyone seeking to lead a meaningful life today. It offers practical guidance, moral inspiration, and spiritual insight that can help us cope with stress, anxiety, uncertainty, loss, anger, fear, or any other emotion that might disturb our peace of mind. It also helps us understand ourselves better, appreciate what we have, accept what we cannot change, improve what we can change, and live in harmony with others.

Meditations has also been influential for many people throughout history. It has been read and admired by statesmen, philosophers, writers, artists, religious leaders, military commanders, entrepreneurs, athletes, and anyone who has faced difficulties or dilemmas in their personal or professional lives. Some examples of famous readers of Meditations are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Stuart Mill, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Ryan Holiday, and Tim Ferriss.

What is the new translation by Gregory Hays and how does it differ from previous ones?

The new translation by Gregory Hays, published by Modern Library in 2002, is the first one in 35 years. It aims to convey the spareness and compression of the original Greek text, as well as the intimacy and directness of Marcus's voice. Hays uses simple and unencumbered English, avoiding archaic or formal language that might obscure or distort the meaning of Marcus's words. He also tries to capture the tone and mood of Marcus's thoughts, which range from serene and confident to anxious and doubtful, from hopeful and grateful to resigned and melancholic.

The new translation by Hays differs from previous ones in several ways. First, it is more faithful to the structure and order of the original text, which is divided into 12 books of varying lengths and topics. Some previous translations rearranged or renumbered the books or passages, or added titles or headings that were not present in the original. Second, it is more consistent and accurate in rendering the key terms and concepts of Stoicism, such as logos, prohairesis, eudaimonia, apatheia, arete, and others. Some previous translations used vague or misleading terms, such as reason, will, happiness, indifference, excellence, and others. Third, it is more readable and engaging for modern audiences, who might find some older translations too dry, dense, or dull.

The life and career of Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was born in 121 CE to an upper-class Roman family. He was adopted by his uncle, Antoninus Pius, who became emperor in 138 CE. Marcus was groomed to succeed him as emperor, and received a rigorous education in rhetoric, law, philosophy, and other subjects. He was especially drawn to Stoicism, which he learned from his tutor Fronto and later from other teachers.

Marcus became emperor in 161 CE, after the death of Antoninus Pius. He ruled jointly with his adoptive brother Lucius Verus until 169 CE, when Lucius died of plague. Marcus faced many challenges and crises during his reign, such as wars against the Parthians, the Germans, and the Marcomanni, a plague that killed millions of people, a revolt by one of his generals, Avidius Cassius, and the deaths of many friends and family members, including his wife Faustina and several of his children.

Marcus was a wise and benevolent ruler, who tried to uphold justice, peace, and prosperity for his subjects. He was also a devout and humble philosopher, who practiced Stoicism in his daily life. He wrote Meditations as a way of coping with his troubles and reminding himself of his duties and ideals.

The style and structure of Meditations

Meditations is not a systematic treatise or a coherent narrative. It is a collection of personal notes and reflections that Marcus wrote for himself at different times and places during his military campaigns. He did not give the book a title or organize it into chapters or sections. He simply wrote down whatever came to his mind, without worrying about grammar, logic, or consistency.

The book covers a wide range of topics and themes, such as human nature, death, fate, duty, virtue, emotion, reason, self-control, gratitude, friendship, justice, piety, courage, wisdom, happiness, and others. It also contains many quotations from or references to other philosophers or writers that Marcus admired or learned from, such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Zeno, Epictetus, Seneca, Heraclitus ance, and the Art of Living by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman, How to Be a Stoic: Using Ancient Philosophy to Live a Modern Life by Massimo Pigliucci, and The Practicing Stoic: A Philosophical User's Manual by Ward Farnsworth.

What are some examples of modern Stoics or Stoic-inspired figures?Some examples of modern Stoics or Stoic-inspired figures are James Stockdale, a naval officer and prisoner of war who used Stoicism to survive his captivity in Vietnam; Nelson Mandela, a political leader and human rights activist who used Stoicism to endure his imprisonment in South Africa; Tom Wolfe, a novelist and journalist who wrote a biography of Stockdale titled A Man in Full; David Goggins, a former Navy SEAL and ultramarathon runner who used Stoicism to overcome his physical and mental challenges; and Tim Ferriss, an entrepreneur and author who popularized Stoicism through his books and podcasts.

How can I practice Stoicism in my daily life?Some ways you can practice Stoicism in your daily life are: - Read a passage from Meditations or another Stoic text every morning and evening, and reflect on how it applies to your situation. - Use negative visualization to imagine the worst-case scenarios that could happen to you or your loved ones, and how you would cope with them. This will help you appreciate what you have and prepare you for what might come. - Use the dichotomy of control to distinguish between what is up to you and what is not up to you, and focus your energy and attention on the former. This will help you avoid frustration and anxiety over things you cannot control. - Use fatalism to accept the past and the present as they are, without regret or complaint. This will help you let go of resentment and bitterness over things you cannot change. - Use self-denial to practice voluntary discomfort or hardship, such as fasting, cold showers, or sleeping on the floor. This will help you train your willpower and resilience, and reduce your attachment to pleasure. - Use meditation to observe your thoughts and emotions as they arise, without judging or reacting to them. This will help you cultivate a calm and rational mind that can deal with any situation.



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